October 25, 2008

More Spoiling for Miss Missie :)

As you know, I am very much into supporting all awareness issues, So, awhile ago I found your tutorials, it's how we came to meet actually :)

And I've done most of them, and still need to finish the rest of them. SO when I can I will.
but for now here are some tags for you, some of your tutorials, and some additions from other tutorials, I'm a tutorial fiend. obviously But recently have taken to start writing my own Using Angie's kits. Also keep an eye out HERE at my Blog for my upcoming Tutorials! :) I am very excited and very nervous as it will be my first time doing them.

And you can find
Angie either at her blog HERE
or at Poisoned Princess HERE

So here are your tags darlin' click on the images to get the bigger tags :) *HUGS* I hope you like them :)