May 13, 2009

'Framed In Pink'

Supplies needed for this tut : Tube of choice , iam using the work of pinuptoons. You MUST have a licence to use this work. You can buy the tubes here at My scrapkit is a PTU one , and its called 'Hearts Persuasion'. You can this kit here at
Mask is from weescotslass . Its a freebie, and you can get it here ( and many more freebies )
Ok onto the tut . Open psp and a white b/g 600x600. Choose a paper from the kit , & c/p onto the b/g. Now open your mask in psp. Go to layers and new mask layer. Add this mask to the paper and merge group.
Now go to the frames and open up the HPframe3. Resize to 85% and c/p onto mask layer.
I rotated the frame . Go to images and choose either rotate left or right . Grab magic wand , click inside frame , selections/modify/expand by 7. Choose another paper from kit and c/p into frames. Select/invert/delete/select none. Move this layer under frame.
Open your tube . Highlight frame layer again, and again use magic wand , click inside frame and c/p tube into frame. Selections/invert/delete/select none.
Do this in other side of frame also.
Choose elements from your kit , to complement your tag. Or if you wish , follow mine . Resize all elements to 45%. Add drop shadows to all.
Add copyrights , and your name. Ive used the font 'Will and grace', which can be found at Da-font.
Save tag and your done !
Ty for trying the tut .